Sunday 27 September 2015

Tree Frog

Before I came here I had only seen green frogs in books.

This is, I believe, a common tree frog and was found this morning about 6 feet up on the underside of giant sunflower head that had started to wilt and hang down.

Not quite big enough for the pot.

Friday 25 September 2015

Ash goblet

This ash log was part a tree that came down locally a couple of years ago.

The resulting goblet will be entered in a competition on a website that I have frequented for many years. A kind of on-line woodworking club.

The finished vessel is 7.5" high and 2" diameter.

Took me most of one afternoon.

Taking some decent photos proved to be more challenging than the wood turning.

Monday 7 September 2015

Western Saddle

We have bought a saddle for Claire which should help her riding. It is of western style and has extra support at the pommel which evidently should help Claire keep her balance on the horse. This means of course that we need somewhere to store it and carry it around in the car and at the pony club.

I came up with this which uses my existing folding trolley, a folding basket, a shelf bracket and a few bits of wood, one of which has been shaped to follow the contours of the underside of he saddle.

 As the trolley is of the folding variety the wide board that the bracket is attached to prevents the trolley handles folding forward under the weight of the saddle. The width of the board prevents any lateral twist once the saddle is in place.
Claire should be able to wheel it around the pony club club as required.

  And it fits in the boot of the car with ease.